Saturday, February 3, 2007

Stock Boss Hartley Bernstein, sanitizes the internet.

Mighty Google, Yahoo, America Online, MSN and Excite, who would have thought it! In an unprecedented show of manipulative savvy Stock Patrol has successfully sanitized the internet.

We were following a number of news articles on Google, Yahoo, America Online, MSN and Excite which raised concerns that Stock, the popular website that reports negative news about small cap companies, may itself be behind a major short selling scheme.

One of those articles “Stock Patrol Suspected as a Front in a Short-selling Scam” presented a comprehensive overview and went into quite some detail, describing how the short selling system is suspected to work and the pivotal role that Stock Patrol allegedly plays.

A contention of the article was that it looks strange for Hartley Bernstein an ex stock manipulator to be working so hard without compensation to write negative reports about small cap companies, reports which the article claimed were unsubstantiated innuendoes, and that Hartley’s criminal background has to be considered under the circumstances.

We knew that Hartley had a conviction of stock manipulation but we were skeptical about the shorting scheme because of its shear magnitude and daring. It sounded too far fetched and sophisticated.

Yesterday, we went back to Google, Yahoo, America Online, MSN and Excite to look if there were any other articles. To our surprise, all previous articles about Stock Patrol’s alleged shorting of stocks were gone from the internet!

We searched for references that would link Stock Patrol to short selling, but all the information on that subject had been scrubbed from Google, Yahoo, America Online, MSN and Excite.

We are disappointed about this Internet manipulation. It gives credence to the allegations in the deleted articles, at least that Mr. Bernstein sill is a manipulator.

We are wondering why Mr. Bernstein was so afraid, that he went to great lengths to delete those articles from Google, Yahoo, America Online, MSN and Excite? Sanitizing a major search engine is no simple job.

Does Google, Yahoo, America Online, MSN and Excite have anything to say?

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